Recreational clam, mussel, and oyster season to open at North Bay (Case Inlet)


Action: Opens recreational clam, mussel, and oyster harvest at North Bay (Case Inlet) during daylight hours only.

Effective date: March 1 through April 30, 2019.

Species affected: Clams, mussels, and oysters.

Location: North Bay (Case Inlet): All state-owned tidelands north of the power transmission lines and those extending 1,900 feet south of the power transmission lines along the eastern shore.

Reason for action: An earlier opening date provides daylight recreational harvest opportunity and aligns with the capacity of beach facilities. The oyster fishery is supported by a limited enhancement bed, and the oyster season is expected to coincide with the clam season at this location. 

Additional information: For North Bay (Case Inlet), an additional month of recreational clam, mussel, and the oyster season is projected for September 1-30, 2019, daylight hours only.

For more information regarding clam and oyster seasons on public beaches visit our website at:

Information contact: Camille Speck, WDFW Port Townsend Office, (360) 302-3030 ext. 313




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